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Pension Letter templates should link to MEPW

The pension letter template does not sync to MEPW, so the edit template function in Staffology does not do anything. Please could this be addresses ASAP. The template used by MEPW is very outdated and refers to how contributions will be increased ...
Emily Libby 26 days ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

The option to run payslips and payment reports in alphabetical order

When I am checking and entering bank payments it would be very useful to be able to have the payslips and payment reports in alphabetical order when printing. You could chose this option in payroll bureau.
Guest about 2 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Year to Date Balances Report

When we generate the Year to date balances report not all employees with YTD show on this report so we cannot balance back YTD figures after period processed. Year to date balance report should include all employees, why are some leavers etc missi...
Stacey Hendry about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New

Allow clients to add payslip messages themselves

A function to allow clients to add payslip messages to employees payslips themselves.
Guest 3 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Pension Payment

The payment tab of the pension section has a drop down which includes "Set date of Month" but we pay our pension provider the following month so can you add "Set date of Next Month" to the drop down
Guest 24 days ago in Pensions 2 Acknowledged

Multiple period payslips downloadable as a pdf

We need to be able to download ONE pdf document for an employee with multiple payslips for a range of periods not download one at a time. Also we could do with adding more than one employee to this download.
Guest 4 months ago in Payslips 0 Planned

Add apprenticeship start date when the apprentice box is ticked in employee record

For NMW purposes. It would also be handy that this date (when a year is reached) a warning is alerted to us when we start processing the payroll.
Jo Thrupp about 1 month ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Define date pension payment is to be taken

Staffology can treat the NEST pension payment schedule as automatically approved for payment, which saves logging on to NEST but you can't define the payment date so NEST start to immediately process the direct debit. I want the NEST direct debit ...
Simon Young about 1 month ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Modulr Payments File

Please could you add a Modulr payments file export within Staffology. Currently there is no way to download a payments file as a backup when the direct Modulr connection has an issue (e.g., connection failures, reruns, etc.). This creates a signif...
Emily Libby about 1 month ago in Payments 0 New

Reports - Gross to Net Calendar option needed rather than just by tax year

Many business have accounting year ends that differ from the tax year April to April), ours ends on 31st Dec. We need an option (which was available on 12 pay - Rolling year figures) whereby we can see the Gross to net figure for the calendar year...
Malcolm Rynn 2 months ago in Reports 2 New