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Net Pay on Journal

When mapping nominal codes we noticed that the pay code listed as “NET PAY” within the journal doesn’t exist within the pay codes section. Through trial and error, we managed to work out that you need to put the nominal code you want aligned to "N...
Guest 2 days ago in Reports 0 New

Include all elements on one variance report

One of my clients went to use the advanced variance report, however it doesn't include things like net pay and pension contributions, or amount of hours for hourly pay. Although some of this is included on the normal variance report, the layout is...
Guest 3 days ago in Reports 0 New

Payrun Automation (Report Formats)

Currently we have are sending P30 & P32 reports through payrun automation. There should be a option to select file format like PDF , CSV etc
praveena sheshubabu 19 days ago in Reports 0 New

Gross To Net Report group by Department with subtotals

Gross To Net Report should offer the option to group by department and present subtotals for each Department
Nuria Ortega about 1 month ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Report Options - Calender year

Staffology generates consolidated reports primarily based on the tax year. However, to cater to client preferences, if it also provides the option to generate consolidated reports aligned with the calendar year, covering the period from January 1s...
Shruthika Todupunuri about 1 month ago in Reports 1 New

Request for Scheduled Dispatch of Payrun Reports

Currently, payrun reports are sent directly to the client when "auto emails" are enabled. However, they are dispatched immediately after the payrun is finalized. We are seeking an option to schedule these emails for a specific date instead.
Shruthika Todupunuri 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Have a pension report that shows all pensions providers

We have a some clients that has multiple pension providers, it would be nicer to have 1 report will all the providers on and have it split per provider rather then running a report for each provider
Emily Manley about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New

Merging Weekly & Monthly Gross to Net Summaries

We process weekly & monthly employees for employers using departments. For reporting purposes it would be helpful to have a Gross to Net report featuring employees by department which includes all employees paid during the PAYE period.
Michele Meddins 11 days ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

Payslips as a report for Report Packs

The ability to automate a report pack which includes Payslips (Not currently available as a report in their own right) would be really helpful for a lot of bureaus. In most cases bureaus in accounting firms just need a Gross to Net, a payslip, and...
Andrea Squires 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Year to Date Balances Report

When we generate the Year to date balances report not all employees with YTD show on this report so we cannot balance back YTD figures after period processed. Year to date balance report should include all employees, why are some leavers etc missi...
Stacey Hendry about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New