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Showing 646 of 646

Employee Screen

Would it be possible that when you go into the employee screen not to show their salary and just show the very basic details ie. Employee number, name, pay frequency and department is fine but i would prefer not to have the salary on the front screen
kirstie joyce about 1 month ago in  0 Future consideration

More Flexibility For Early Automation Dates For Bureau

We have a few clients who like their reports early in the month with a later pay date and with the current setting that the earliest date for automation is six days before payday means we are having to manually process payrolls that could be easil...
Guest 7 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration


We need the ability to add memos like we could in the old system, as things are getting missed as they are forgotten about from the last period.
Guest 9 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

department gross to net individual totals per department. At the moment you have to view each department separately and write down the totals, add them together manually to agree the the only all departments figure provided by staffology

It saves a great deal of paper workings when all the information is available but in no useful state on staffology
Guest 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Working Days Consideration on Scheduled Payslips

If a pay day falls on the weekend, then by law an employer is required to pay on the Friday before however the automated payslip functionality does not consider this important piece of law and will continue to work on a 7 day pattern. For example,...
Guest 4 months ago in Payslips 1 Acknowledged

Holiday Entitlement recorded in hours

No description provided
Guest 7 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Pay code formula / IPP Advanced linking

Can we add formulae for pay codes? For example, a pay code multiply by a percentage, or a pay code multiplied by another pay code. Similar to what IPP offers as "Advanced linking"
Nicholas Law about 1 month ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Auto email reports - zipped folder

Could there be an option for the auto generated emailed reports to be one zipped password protected folder rather than individual password protected documents? Our clients are a little annoyed at having to put the password in multiple times!
Emily Libby 5 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

In CIS Payrun List the primary contact name and company name

It would be helpful for both the individual name we have to add to be shown in the pay run, as well as the company or trading as name, as this is usually the information provided by clients for sub contractors. It is rare to be provided an individ...
Sarah Crace 4 months ago in CIS 0 Future consideration

Documents added to SMP record

It would be useful to be able to upload more than one document to an SMP leave record, as often the MATB1 certificates are sent as 2 documents, and we may have other supporting information from clients
Sarah Crace 4 months ago in Other 1 Acknowledged