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Hourly Rate Net to Gross

It is currently only possible to have one net to gross component and it must be a fixed value. We have clients that we cannot migrate as they use hourly based N2G. We would not be meeting our legal obligations to provide an itemised payslip if we ...
Jennefer Willmore 3 months ago in Payrun 0 New

Import Functionality for - PAYE, National Insurance (EE & ER) & Pension (EE & ER)

During the parallel stage in payroll implementation, we encounter challenges in reconciling amounts, particularly regarding PAYE, National Insurance, and Pension contributions. Currently, we are resorting to manual overrides to align these figures...
Sravanth Chinni 11 months ago in Payrun 3 Future consideration

import additional Pension Contribution

I need to make additional pension ER contribnution and have to typr it in manually for 45 people
Guest 22 days ago in Payrun 1 New

National Minimum Wage calculations

It would be good to have a tick box on pay codes to include them in the system NMW calculations
Tina Coggon about 1 month ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Surname Validation on Payroll Import

It would be useful for the system to have a surname validation when importing payroll data. It runs a lot of risk if there are issues with pay codes being against incorrect employees and all data is imported as a result. On total checks, everythin...
Kile Simmonds 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Avoid sending P45 document to employees.

There are instances where it's not advisable to send copies of P45 documents to employees. Having the option to prevent the sending of P45 documents to selected employees would be greatly beneficial in such situations. One of the scenarios is Tupe...
Srilakshmi Patlolla 10 months ago in Payrun 2 Pending Review

Upload multiple processing notes

At the moment clients can only upload one processing note at a time. It would be helpful if they could upload multiple in one go. Number of clients have asked about this.
Kelle Allen 10 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Bonus Runs/Supplementary runs needed

few of our clients like to pay bonuses separately to main salary run. Also sometimes we need to run supplementary run for terminations payments as they are not finslised by the main run cut-off. Also needed an ability to override pension in supple...
Yoshita Desai over 1 year ago in Payrun 6 Started

Replace the previously imported file with a new one

When importing large amounts of data, errors often occur in the middle of the upload process. This makes it challenging to determine which lines were successfully imported and which were not. Introducing an editable file format feature can be bene...
Srilakshmi Patlolla 11 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Update pay code Description in an open payrun

If we have to amend the pay code description in the open payrun, Only option is to go by individual record and update manually. So, If we have a feasibitity to change the description of a pay code for all employees within an open payrun. It would ...
Shruthika Todupunuri 9 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration