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Audit Trail - show correct Modified By information

It would be useful for the "Modified By" information of the audit trail to be correct. I raised a support ticket where I was informed I had been changing employee records. This was quite concerning and could have landed me in trouble with the dire...
Thomas Johnson 9 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

List of all clients

A function where you can print a list of clients to excel
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboard 0 Future consideration

Pension Integration

Can an option be added to allow the PAPDIS file to be automatically submitted slighly later than when payroll is closed? At the moment to do this payroll would need to be re-opened and closed, but thats not ideal. If the PAPDIS file could be submi...
Guest over 3 years ago in Pensions 3 Future consideration

Automatic Update to NIC Category

Can the payrol software be updated to automatically update NIC categories when an employee changes age and a report of these changes made available?
Guest over 3 years ago in MIscellaneous 0 Planned

Support for Options Pension

Some of our employers are enrolled with Options Pension for their pensions - Can they be added to Staffology either as a "Connected Services" option or pension file export?
Richard Williams almost 2 years ago in Pensions 3 Future consideration

API PATCH for Amending One Employee's Payline in the Payrun

To change a single pay line on a single employee, I have to request and re-send the entire massive payrun object every time and risk altering the ENTIRE pay run for the month. For 350 employees this comes out to 10,000 lines of code. Having a PATC...
Penny Jungreis about 2 years ago in API Direct 2 Future consideration

Custom templates for use across multiple employers

It would be very helpful for accountants/payroll providers to use the same custom template for all clients. I.e. you update the template at a central point and this pushes the template to all employer records. (as opposed to duplicating the custom...
Guest over 3 years ago in Bureau 1 Future consideration

Allow an EPS to be back dated to previous months

We needed to sent an EPS to reclaim recoverable amounts, but it wasn't possible to back date it to the correct month and we had to send on the current month. This caused endless issues with HMRC who allocated the full amount to that month, leaving...
Guest about 1 year ago in RTI & Notices 2 Will not implement

Running summary reports by department

No description provided
Guest 9 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Correction to Payment summary report

The employment allowance should be capped at £5,000 in a year. In the “Payments required” report the program is incorrectly not using this limit. The payment due to HMRC is claims the whole of the employers NI figure as employment allowance even w...
Laurence Golend 9 months ago in Payments & Liability 3 Acknowledged