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Pension Earnings Period should be based on the pay schedule, not the pay date

If a payroll is processed in arrears, for example pay date 1st December for pay period previous calendar month, then the earnigns period for pension should be 1st to 30th Nov, not 1st -31st December. Please can this be amended?
Emily Libby 3 months ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Simplified P32 Report

It would be great to have a simplified P32 which just contains the monthly totals, as in the attached (IPP Report). The P32 pdf download is very busy at the moment. I note you can download a csv version but it isnt very pretty for clients.
Emily Libby 9 months ago in Reports 2 Will not implement

FPS date not updated when payroll date changed

When changing the pay date in the payrun once the payrun is finalised, the RTI date for the individuals is not updated. Currently you have to manually override the FPS date in the RTI tab. This needs to be updated automatically based on the pay da...
Luke Hayes about 2 months ago in RTI & Notices 1 Will not implement

Merging Weekly & Monthly Gross to Net Summaries

We process weekly & monthly employees for employers using departments. For reporting purposes it would be helpful to have a Gross to Net report featuring employees by department which includes all employees paid during the PAYE period.
Michele Meddins 4 months ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

Include all elements on one variance report

One of my clients went to use the advanced variance report, however it doesn't include things like net pay and pension contributions, or amount of hours for hourly pay. Although some of this is included on the normal variance report, the layout is...
Guest 4 months ago in Reports 1 Will not implement

Payslip envelope format

Need a format for payslips that is easy to put in a standard windowed envelope. Some people don't use emails!!
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Payslips 1 Will not implement

Add PAYE ref to front scheme, when selecting client, and also sort by PAYE ref option

We get many emails or post with a PAYE ref on but not always company name, so to be able to see this on the main screen would be so helpful
Jo Thrupp 6 months ago in Bureau 1 Will not implement

Special Character report

We often have errors on FPS's that are due to employees having special characters in their names/addresses. It would be great if we could run a special character report that flags any of these to us as at the moment, we have to scour through repor...
Charlotte Sewell over 2 years ago in RTI & Notices 2 Will not implement

Can we have a CSV report generated for legal & General who is our sole pension provider.

Have been told by support to ask the question on here. We currently use IRIS Business and our pension scheme is with Legal & General currently the software creates the CSV file for us and we upload it to their portal after our two different pa...
Kate Riley 8 months ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

The ability to change £ signs on payslips and report to $ or € etc for specific payroll

We operate a payroll for non UK nationals working oversea. They are not subject to UK taxes but we need a "proper" payslip and payroll for oversea verification
Guest 6 months ago in Payslips 0 Will not implement