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Created by Laurence Golend
Created on Jun 13, 2024

Correction to Payment summary report

The employment allowance should be capped at £5,000 in a year.

In the “Payments required” report the program is incorrectly not using this limit. The payment due to HMRC is claims the whole of the employers NI figure as employment allowance even when the year to date figure exceeds £5,000.

If you produce a P32 report it is similarly incorrect.

If you produce a P30 report it shows the correct figures.

The reports correct themselves once the payslips for the month are finalised.

However, I like to be able to show my client the figures and get their approval before finalising. Presumably it would not be that difficult to have the “required payments” report show the correct figures at that time.

I would suggest that this would be a useful improvement to the program and would prevent people accidentally paying the wrong amount to HMRC because the looked at the earlier incorrect version of the report.

Would you please put this forward as a recommended improvement to the program.

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    Izzy Hayhurst
    Jun 19, 2024

    Hello - please could you reach out to so we can understand the issues you are facing.

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