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Showing 43

Upload P60's to myePayWindow after year end process

There is no facility to upload P60's to myePayWindow after the year end process. This is the only time you can do this. There should be an option to do this outside of the year end process. Unfortunatley two of our clients required us to draft the...
Nicky Mulberry 6 days ago in Payslips 1 New

FPS re-sent details

When a FPS is re-sent for example 'Correction to earlier submission', this is no clarification on the new FPS as to what option was used when it was re-sent. Not having this information can cause issues on HMRC due to the FPS being sent again to e...
chloe guichard 12 days ago in RTI & Notices 1 New

P32 Annual summary

It would be great to have a P32 report in table form for the whole year like other payroll software that didn't print a whole page for each month, and didn't unnecessarily list pay weeks when no employees have been paid weekly. However I can see t...
Guest about 15 hours ago in Reports 0 New

'Net pay' confusion

Some places on Stafflogy e.g payslips 'Net pay' means the amount to pay employees. But sometimes 'Net pay' means something different and 'Take home pay' is the amout to pay. Looks like there is another (American?) software underpinning Staffology ...
Guest about 15 hours ago in Reports 0 New

YTD report for the whole tax year

The Year To Date Balances report is only per period. This would be beneficial if this report was per tax year as-well as periods. We have to combine all fortnightly/weekly reports and total up employee's pay to get there year to date figures for a...
chloe guichard 2 months ago in Reports 1 New

Payroll Warning for when changes are made to directors NI flag mid year

Please also add this to audit record
Guest 23 days ago in Employee Setup 0 New

Company Car Information Carrying over from 2 tax years ago

Not sure how to describe this, I have been asked by support to suggest an idea. We migrated from Earnie payroll to Staffology during tax year 24/25, and when the data was migrated, we weren't aware that company car details had been copied across, ...
Tina Coggon 6 days ago in Employee Setup 0 New

Holiday Allowance in Hours

Whilst there are three accrual options in the holiday section, there is only one allowance option (days). It would be useful to have an allowance option in hours as not all holiday allowances operate in days.
Jennefer Willmore 2 months ago in Employee Setup 0 New

Two tiered payroll reports

It would be really useful either as a standard report, or within a report writer to have the ability to report on both cost centre and departments. Majority of clients want to see these totals in payroll reports, especially when reviewing and don'...
Susan Elsdon 14 days ago in Reports 0 New

Additional Holiday pay calculated with a paycode linked to Overtime and other elements

We have several clients who have the need to process additional holiday pay at an enhanced rate of 13.33%, against the HMRC 12.07%. We require the ability to be able to create a paycode, which calculates as a % of the Gross pay Totals for Overtime...
Matthew Gillett 16 days ago in Payrun 0 New