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Search Option on HMRC Notices

Having the ability to search for a tax code based on the employee's start date would be highly beneficial. This feature would allow us to track the specific tax code that was assigned to the employee at the time they joined, ensuring accuracy when...
Shruthika Todupunuri 6 days ago in RTI & Notices 0 New

Year End - Payrolling Benefits

The current year end process for benefits, involves having to download and manually review the benefits which are selected for P11D/ PAYE (Payrolling), the reviewed file can then be re-imported to create the benefit record for the next tax year. T...
Matthew Gillett about 19 hours ago in Payrun 0 New

Two tiered payroll reports

It would be really useful either as a standard report, or within a report writer to have the ability to report on both cost centre and departments. Majority of clients want to see these totals in payroll reports, especially when reviewing and don'...
Susan Elsdon 2 days ago in Reports 0 New

Payslip download multiple periods

Ability to print/download multiple payslips at once rather than one by one.
Guest 12 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Custom User / Employee Reminders

It would be really useful if we could have employee / user created reminders - potentially included within the pay run warnings. There are many different scenarios in which this could be used. For example: We have been asked to increase an employe...
Bobbi Gayford about 1 month ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Automated EPS AP levy

We have noticed while submitting the EPS through the RTI screen the AP Levy does not auto fill the YTD figures or provide a load YTD figures in the same way the Statutory figures do with EPS submission. When populating the Statutory figures for EP...
Stacey Hendry 6 days ago in RTI & Notices 0 New

Payroll Warning for when changes are made to directors NI flag mid year

Please also add this to audit record
Guest 11 days ago in Employee Setup 0 New

Agency Worker

It would be great if 'Agency' worker's were flagged on the system. We have multiple incidences where agency worker information is being pulled through the system overriding active employee's data. This causes an issue with HMRC and sometimes a dat...
chloe guichard 15 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Tax Code History on EE Record

It would be very helpful to access the tax code history for an employee from within their ee record, with dates that the code changed.
Emily Libby about 1 month ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Pay Run warning for employees with 0 pay for more than 90 days

It would be useful for us to have a pay run warning for any employee's on the pay run which have had 0 pay for more than 90 days.
Bobbi Gayford about 1 month ago in Payrun 2 New