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Declaration to drive tax code for new joiner

At the moment, the tax code for new joiner is driven by the declaration selected when the employee is set up. But on some occasions we need to change the declaration before the first payrun and then need to remember to manually change the tax code...
Guest about 2 years ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

sorting order/option in work patterns in pay options

Either numerical or alpha order when using the work patterns, no logical order
Sharon Burgess about 1 year ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Change user access

Ability to change user access without having to remove and re-add them
Guest over 2 years ago in Users 0 Future consideration

Aviva Pension Joiners

It would be helpful to have a report for new joiners as you don't have an API for Aviva
Cliff Fountain 7 months ago in Pensions 1 Already exists

Salaried Employees Hourly Rate - More Decimal Places

Salaried employees Base Hourly Rate on their profile only calculates to two decimal places, this causes discrepancies particularly on termination and providing quotes to clients.Staffology allows for more numbers to be manually entered after the d...
Guest 10 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Adding Employer AVC

We need to be able to add employer AVC's to our monthly pension contributions (we pay unused flex ben allowances into employees pensions as an employer contribution on top of standard ER % contributions each month). Can you add this facility please.
Guest about 1 year ago in Payrun 1 Already exists

HMRC Reference on Payments Due List report

Would like the HMRC PAYE reference for the period on the payments due list each period.
Guest 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Client search via PAYE or Accounts Office Reference

It would be useful to have the functionality to search clients using their PAYE or Accounts Office Reference number.
Susan Elsdon 7 months ago in Bureau 1 Future consideration

Payments Required Report

This report if ran prior to finalising payroll shows HMRC Payments which is just a total of all EEs deductions, so not actually true "HMRC Payment" amount. When this Report is ran after finalising payroll it doesn't show HMRC payments at all - Can...
Stacey Hendry 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Salary change to take effect the same month

Please could you allow a default setting for the employer to have all salary changes while the pay run is open be effective immediately? We use the API to batch update employee salaries at all times throughout the month and we always always want t...
Penny Jungreis almost 2 years ago in Employer Setup 1 Already exists