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I would like the system to alert me when an employee reaches a specific age that requires a different approach, i.e., reaches pensionable age, retirement age or new minimum wage age.
SONIA MOGFORD-ABBOTT 3 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Set up Cycle to Work scheme repayments as an option within payroll

Can this be set up as an option to select for those employees participating in the scheme? If selected this would be automatically deducted from their total pay, before tax & NI deductions.
Guest about 1 month ago in Payrun 0 New

Pension Letter templates should link to MEPW

The pension letter template does not sync to MEPW, so the edit template function in Staffology does not do anything. Please could this be addresses ASAP. The template used by MEPW is very outdated and refers to how contributions will be increased ...
Emily Libby 4 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Define date pension payment is to be taken

Staffology can treat the NEST pension payment schedule as automatically approved for payment, which saves logging on to NEST but you can't define the payment date so NEST start to immediately process the direct debit. I want the NEST direct debit ...
Simon Young 4 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Modulr Payments File

Please could you add a Modulr payments file export within Staffology. Currently there is no way to download a payments file as a backup when the direct Modulr connection has an issue (e.g., connection failures, reruns, etc.). This creates a signif...
Emily Libby 4 months ago in Payments 0 Future consideration

Option to Download the Employee Export by Pay Run

It would be really helpful if we had the option to download the Employee Export by pay run. We have clients who have multiple pay runs which only want to see the employee's in the corresponding pay run on the Employee Export. We are currently havi...
Bobbi Gayford 9 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Resubmitting monthly EPS

Some clients collect their CIS statements after the 19th of the month. For this reason, the CIS Suffer needs to be amended even after the 19th. We have also had a few occasions where we received a message from HMRC saying they have not received in...
Natalie Roque 28 days ago in CIS 0 New

New leave type Sabbatical

Is there a way to add an option for an absence type in the leave screen, or something we should use out of this list for someone on a sabbatical?
Stacey Hendry about 1 month ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

Report for Employees not worked more than 3 months

A report to record employees not worked for 3 months (12 weeks) was helpful on our last payroll software. It helps purge the payroll for tax year end etc.
Kerstyn Benson 2 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

SChedule for automated emails

At times such as annual leave or Christmas, when we are incredibly busy, and some businesses, have a short month due to office closure, it would be helpful if we could run our payrolls early, but schedule the emails to go at a later date. Particul...
Andrea Squires 4 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration