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Printing Training Notes

It would be useful to be able to print your training notes, specifically End of Year checklist and notes. In the current format, it does not print well at all. This was always available with PayeMaster and is ideal when you have a singular screen ...
Guest 21 days ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Changing the letter templates in My Epay Window

I would like to be able to amend the templates for the pension letters, as when they get uplaoded to employees account, the structure and the wording is different to the template in staffology. The template should match
Vicky Bourne about 1 month ago in Documentation 0 Future consideration

Net Pay on Journal

When mapping nominal codes we noticed that the pay code listed as “NET PAY” within the journal doesn’t exist within the pay codes section. Through trial and error, we managed to work out that you need to put the nominal code you want aligned to "N...
Jennefer Willmore 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

import additional Pension Contribution

I need to make additional pension ER contribnution and have to typr it in manually for 45 people
Guest 22 days ago in Payrun 1 New

use the same paycode for multiple payments

It would be helpful if we could use the same pay code for different payments in HR pro. We use a fixed pay scale which are all basic salaries but currently you can only use 1 pay code to 1 payment. All 12 payments are salaries and we are now havin...
Guest 23 days ago in Payments 0 New

update payments due report

Update the payments due report so that once all of the employment allowance has been used, that it displays the correct PAYE to HMRC when it is in draft form. At the moment if the payroll has not been finalised and the employment allowance has all...
Guest about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New

App Levy - Pay Bill YTD

It will be a good idea to add the Paybill YTD in the Employer Opening Balance screen to enable the user to override the figure. This is important in cases when the leavers in the current year can not be imported to Staffology specially with large ...
Ibrahim Raja 5 months ago in Employer Setup 0 Future consideration

National Minimum Wage calculations

It would be good to have a tick box on pay codes to include them in the system NMW calculations
Tina Coggon about 1 month ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Automated EPS issues

When automated, the EPS doesn't show on the automated settings within the finalisation window. It would be helpful when checking at finalisation if this was updated, it would appear this relatively new feature was added in a hurry!
Andrea Squires about 1 month ago in Automation 0 New

Surname Validation on Payroll Import

It would be useful for the system to have a surname validation when importing payroll data. It runs a lot of risk if there are issues with pay codes being against incorrect employees and all data is imported as a result. On total checks, everythin...
Kile Simmonds 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration