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New leave-related Webhook events

Please create the following Webhook events:- Leave Created Leave Updated Leave Deleted This will save us having to have a scheduled task hitting the List Leave event for every employee on a scheduled basis.
Andy Ross about 1 year ago in API Direct 0 Future consideration

Allow all emails to be CC'd or BCC'd to a given email address

We regularly get requests for copy payslips from our staff. If our payroll@ email address could be BCC'd into all outbound emails we would have a copy of the original email that could be forwarded to the staff member - by anyone with access to tha...
Jo Phenna over 2 years ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Pensions - employees in the statutory % scheme who also make salary sacrifices.

It is frustrating that Staffology doesn't 'talk' to the The People's Partnership regarding employees who make additional contributions to their pensions. We have employees who make contributions from their net pay (employee 4%, employer 3%, 1% tax...
HAYLEY JACOBS about 1 year ago in Pensions 1 Future consideration

Overtime set up as a system Code

Overtime set up as a system code in the same way as Basic Pay. We have numerous different variable overtime rates & it is very time consuming to set these up individually
Deborah Ryan over 2 years ago in Payments 1 Will not implement

Merge MyePayWindow Account

Having upgraded from Iris Bureau Payroll to Staffology payroll, this has created a second account in MyePayWindows. Why can't these accounts be merged.
Guest over 1 year ago in  1 Will not implement

Delayed Payslip Publishing

No description provided
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Will not implement

Direct Earnings Attachment

There is an error in the calculations of DEA. We have added a fixed amount to be deducted for a particular employee as per the letter. However it is being calculated based on net salary as a percentage.
Guest over 1 year ago in Payslips 0 Acknowledged

Personal data for leavers

In EARNIE when an employee was P45'd their employee card containing their personal data was no longer available. However, in Staffology when an employee leaves their personal data is still on the system under the 'Employees > Leavers' section. ...
Claire O'Connor over 1 year ago in Other 1 Future consideration

Show pension contributions in 'deductions' rather than 'payments' section

Can you add an option to show standard pension contributions in 'deductions' rather than 'payments' section please. Salary sacrifice pension contributions look fine being shown as a deduction to gross pay but it also shows like this for normal con...
Guest over 2 years ago in Payslips 3 Future consideration

option to add the description field to the CSV upload template and import

We are a recruitment company and it would be very helpful if there was an option for us to put where they worked on the payslip and the date, I know on the API we can do this yet we can’t do this on the CSV upload? Is there a way of being able to ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration