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Pension Integration - Opt Outs

Currently information only flows from Staffology to Smart Pensions, so if an employee opts out or changes their pension contribution amount in their Smart Pension account this does not automatically flow through to their Staffology profile. As a r...
Guest over 1 year ago in Pensions 0 Planned

Alternative Id

Hi, When importing an employer for the first time, there was the option to add an "alternative ID" to the import spreadsheet, which I am told is only visible to the main account holder. Please can this be updated so that it is visible to all users...
Matthew Fidgett 10 months ago in Employer Setup 0 Will not implement

Job Role - reflected on payslip

I have multiple clients with employees under multiple employment roles. Although on the payslip, salary pulls through for all the different roles they do so under a pay component need Monthly Pay. My client would like the payslip to highlight whic...
Raluca Ioan 10 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Visual indicator for edited payslips in a payrun

Currently there is no visual indicator to show which employee's payslips have been edited / amended / completed etc in a pay run, which, can be rather confusing for some people. Either changing the row colour after a payslip has been changed, or a...
Ashley Grey 10 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Linking absence and return to work forms

Currently our managers have to sickness absence in absence and then go to forms to complete a return to work form all with similar information and the duplication of info. Is it possible to link the two. I know managers can upload a document but i...
Guest over 1 year ago in HR 0 Future consideration

Pensions CSV exported dates to be in the correct format for uploading to NEST

At present if a CSV is downloaded from Staffology the excel file puts the dates in the wrong format and causes a Nest error so requires manually fixing on the file each time before upload. This should export in the correct format for NEST with it ...
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Tax relief option

Please could we have the option to stop tax relief being applied only to a number of employees rather than the entire scheme? I have employees who are not eligible to tax relief as per NEST assessment, but the majority are so I wouldn't want to tu...
Raluca Ioan 10 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Privacy passwords on employer

As you can only have owner, sometimes you need to have privacy on employers
Bev Jones 10 months ago in Bureau 0 Will not implement

Additional leave types

It would be really helpful if we could have some additional leave types to select when adding leave to an employee. We record lieu days, authorised absence etc. and it would be useful to be able to add additional options to the current selection.
Sarah King over 3 years ago in Payrun 2 Future consideration

Email template to notify staff of new tax code

Currently we have to manually email this to staff
Guest over 2 years ago in Other 1 Future consideration