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FPS reason code for late submission with auto submit

We have auto submit selected so that FPS are autosubmitted after a payrun. However, I have noticed that when the payrun is submitted late (for exmaple having to reopen and make a correction post pay day), we are not prompted to select a reason cod...
Guest about 2 years ago in RTI & Notices 1 Future consideration

Clearer line items for benefits on payslips

It would be useful to get an overall total of benefit deductions per month as well as have the benefits at the top of the payslip under monthly pay, so it is clearer on the total value an employee will be taxed on.
Guest over 2 years ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Payslip - Cost Centre

It would be helpful to be able to run payslips just for a particular Cost Centre, not just Departments
Nuria Ortega 5 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Can we have the Expatriate (Jersey s690 rule) functionality uplifted from Professional to Staffology.

We have an employee who is on the UK payroll but spends the majority of their time living and working in Jersey. We therefore adopt the tax rules of s690, where their taxable pay is 5% of their actual taxable pay.
Guest 5 months ago in Payments & Liability 1 Future consideration

Enabling employers to have more than one holiday allowance

We have a client with service related holiday allowances, and can only set one scheme on the employer details page. This means every January we have to go in and manually add extra days to people depending on their length of service. We have over ...
Tanya Birnie over 1 year ago in Employer Setup 0 Future consideration

Customize payslip to show the PAYE number of an employer for each employee payslip.

No description provided
Guest 8 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Pro-Rata for Fixed Shift Leavers

We currently have a pay code for Fixed Shift which is based on a %age of Basic Pay. EG 20% of Basic Salary. The salary is able to be Pro-rata when someone leaves but the fixed shift does not then pick up on the Pro-rata, amount it continues to cal...
Ang Gilbert 5 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Pension csv file for NEST is rejected

When trying to upload a csv file to NEST pension it rejects the file. It says you have entered a T as the record identifier for the trailer record in the file ?? What is this The earnings period start date isnt valid. Please check you have entered...
Linda Laver 8 months ago in  0 Pending Review

The ability to change £ signs on payslips and report to $ or € etc for specific payroll

We operate a payroll for non UK nationals working oversea. They are not subject to UK taxes but we need a "proper" payslip and payroll for oversea verification
Guest 5 months ago in Payslips 0 Will not implement


I will very kindly request that you feedback to your development team to make available the same format of reports on Staffology as it was available on PAYE master for the last 20 years plus. As the title on PAYE master tab “Payroll Processing Ess...
Guest 5 months ago in Payrun 0 Will not implement