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P30 totals

When i send an eps with cis suffered deductions a total for the year is very useful for accounts.
Guest 6 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

downloading multi-period pay slips

No description provided
Agata Deren about 2 years ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration

Reporting the Cost Centre allocation

Example: First Name Last Name CostCentre CC Allocation Graham Carpenter 1323 45.00% Graham Carpenter 1344 25.00% Graham Carpenter 1375 15.00% Graham Carpenter 1307 5.00% Graham Carpenter 1356 5.00% Graham Carpenter 1357 5.00%
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Group employers in employers list global for all user

It's really furstrating to allocated employers to a group but it is only for an individual user. This should be a global setting that affect all users for those payrolls. Also can the 'Your employers' and Other employers lists be merged - Or can w...
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Bureau 1 Acknowledged

Edit templates at a bureau level and ability to apply to all, or selected payrolls

All the templates need to have master templates at a bureau level, which allow you to implement these to existing payroll and as defaults on new payrolls.
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Including the pay run opening date, re-opening date, and finalising date within the employer audit.

Including the pay run opening date, re-opening date, and finalising date within the employer audit. As a bureau, we need to be able to identify who has conducted certain actions to support development and trouble shoot. We have had instances where...
Jennefer Willmore 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Bureau Dashboard - Pension column for direct connection

In the Bureau Dashboard, please add a column for pension where there is a direct connection so that we know easily if there is an error on upload. Thank you
Guest 9 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Consistent report file names

Downloaded reports have inconsistent naming standards - a small thing, but it looks messy when sharing them with clients. For example, in a typical month we have: Payslips: "payslips-Month 12.pdf" (lower-case p, mix of hyphens and spaces between w...
Joe Williams about 1 year ago in Reports 3 Acknowledged

Make& Model of Car - Benefits

The make and model field for payrolled car benefits is unlimited in terms of the number of characters, however this is causing the FPS to fail as there is a limited number of charcters accepted on the FPS. Could validation be added to only allow t...
Guest 8 months ago in  1 Future consideration

Able to add multiple net to gross pay elements

Right now we cannot add more than 1 grossed up pay elements for 1 employee within 1 payroll run (trying to add it manually at the moment, but once the bulk upload function is shipped, this should also be possible when bulk uploading the values). I...
Anett almost 2 years ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration