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Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Payrun
Created by Anett
Created on Jun 7, 2023

Able to add multiple net to gross pay elements

Right now we cannot add more than 1 grossed up pay elements for 1 employee within 1 payroll run (trying to add it manually at the moment, but once the bulk upload function is shipped, this should also be possible when bulk uploading the values).

It's important we can add multiple (with no max limit) different pay elements as grossed up (net to gross) amount within 1 payroll run for 1 employee, and not just 1 pay element as a maximum, and each of those pay elements get grossed up separately from each other.

Can this be added to the system for both manual and bulk upload function, please?

I attach the error message we get when trying to save it inside the payrun. Thank you in advance! 

  • Attach files

Net to Gross - multiple fixed net to gross pay codes on employee

Currently only one fixed net to gross pay code can be applied to each employee. We need to be able to add as many as required, as employer's will have salaries, allowances etc all setup under this calculation.
Kile Simmonds 6 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration