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Report Showing Gross to Net for the Payment runs in a specific period, grouping by payment period, summary at the bottom line

Hello Staffology, I noticed that if an employees have changed their Department in the period of the Gross to Net report that information is not showing on the Staffology report. The total amounts are showing allocated to the more current Departmen...
Jerry Mozak 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Deductions and Allowances Report YTD figures

Current Process - At present we have reports like Employee Export,Year To Date Balances & NI Year To Date Balances which does not cover the YTD information relating to fixed deduction created for certain Employees example pay codes - season ti...
praveena sheshubabu 11 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Working Days Consideration on Scheduled Payslips

If a pay day falls on the weekend, then by law an employer is required to pay on the Friday before however the automated payslip functionality does not consider this important piece of law and will continue to work on a 7 day pattern. For example,...
Jennefer Willmore 7 months ago in Payslips 1 Acknowledged

Gross up pay calculation

When we process a gross pay calculation and there is a tax refund due, the tax refund is being given to the employee and not being factored in to the gross up costs incurred by the employer. Please can this be looked into. Thanks
Sarah Stannard 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Already exists

Pension - Leavers from prior pay period

If an employee has a leave date from a prior pay period this event is not recorded on the PAPDIS pension file and therefore not reported automatically to the pension provider. Please include all exit dates on the pension report if the employee was...
Guest 3 months ago in Pensions 0 Pending Review

Auto-calculate holiday pay on payslips for salaried employees

When adding holiday dates on the calendar for salaried employees, it would be good if this automatically calculated the holiday pay and remaining salary on the pay run. Or if you are able to just input how many days holiday they have had in that m...
Guest 8 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Employer Notes

Can we have a facility to add Employer Notes in the same way that Employees can have Notes in their respective records.
Nicholas Law 3 months ago in Employer Setup 0 Future consideration


Is it possible if you can add like the attached pay elements report from Iris software as that was much better then the one you have set up as the one you have at the moment is very limited and the pay elements I need to do the report are not on t...
Pankaj PArmar 5 months ago in  5 Future consideration

Employer record

Please can you enable the UTR and CoTax lines in the company record to be both filled in with the same number. (as it is the same number). When I file an EPS I have to delete the UTR box and when I file the CIS300 I have to delete the CoTax box. I...
Guest 4 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

CIS Vouchers for sub contractors

There appears to be a tick box for sending CIS vouchers via email but ni actual facility do do this when you are in the voucher. Apparently they all have to be downloaded and emailed separately. this is crazy and very time consuming. please add a ...
Guest 4 months ago in CIS 0 Future consideration