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Created by Jerry Mozak
Created on Aug 14, 2024

Report Showing Gross to Net for the Payment runs in a specific period, grouping by payment period, summary at the bottom line

Hello Staffology,

I noticed that if an employees have changed their Department in the period of the Gross to Net report that information is not showing on the Staffology report.

The total amounts are showing allocated to the more current Department of the employees.

To make my point more clear – here is an example:

Angela B and Chris P were recorded in Department Directors from Jan23 to Jun23.

From July 2023 they are allocated to different Department – Angela – Support Staff and Chris - Property Services.

When I run a Gross to Net report for the period April2023 to Dec2023 (as this being the logical tax year split) Angela appears as Supporting staff only and Chris P as Property services only.

This does not show the information by Departments correctly and makes the reconciliation process to the accounting records impossible.

If there was the option to run Gross to Net reports month by month and total at the bottom of the report, a change in the Departments would not get hidden.

Can you please include this as a request to the Staffology Software Development team?

Thank you

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