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Leave Calculations for New Starter

When using a day based holiday leave setting at company level, it would be useful if the software would adjust the entitlement remaining from the annual default to the pro-rata value relevant to the new starter based on their join date. Current pr...
Jennefer Willmore 5 months ago in Other 0 Future consideration

Ceased Membership included on Employee Export

When running an employee export, it does not advise of ceased memberships (only active pensions and opt-outs) which means that you need to overlay other exports to get a full picture. Would be very useful if ceased memberships exported also as whe...
Jennefer Willmore 4 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Add apprenticeship start date when the apprentice box is ticked in employee record

For NMW purposes. It would also be handy that this date (when a year is reached) a warning is alerted to us when we start processing the payroll.
Jo Thrupp 4 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Advance pay periods for holidays

We close down for 2 weeks during summer and Christmas and with the old Iris I could run the payroll and then advance it by a further 2 weeks, in effect paying 3 weeks wages in one pay run. This option is not available in Staffology and I now have ...
Guest 9 months ago in Payrun 4 Planned

Merge bureau dashboard and employers list

The bureau dashboard is not searchable and you cannot group companies together, like on the employer list. Ideally these two lists should be merged - or detail added to both
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Option to process payments to Multiple bank accounts

Option to do payments to multiple bank accounts on Staffology for the same employee
Stacey Hendry about 1 month ago in Payments 0 Future consideration

Alabaster Legislation and Maternity Pay

Please could we have a way of incorporating Alabaster salary changes into SMP for it to auto recalculate within the the 39 weeks for the 6 weeks higher rate and for this to be shown separately on the payslips (to identify it as Alabaster) but stil...
Fiona Broad 7 months ago in Payrun 0 Planned

CIS Gross to Net - by week by person to get an annual statement.

Would it be possible please to have the option to create a CIS Gross to Net report by person which would show the weekly transactions? Similar to a P11 for PAYE. I see that someone suggested a similar report two years ago but it is still under con...
Helen Forbes 2 months ago in CIS 0 New

Option to send payslips individually at the end of a payrun

Please can the option to individually send payslips added. For example: if an error is made on payroll and the payrun is reopened, amended and finalised all payslips need to be send again by email. If there was the option to send individually only...
ANNMARIE WATSON over 2 years ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration

Average holiday hours zero

It would be useful if the average holiday hours calculated zero, no line appeared on the payslip
Tina Coggon about 1 month ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration