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Separate automation settings for each pay frequency

We have clients with several different frequencies under one PAYE ref and it would be good to have different automation settings for each of these. For example finalise one frequency on pay day and another 6 days before.
Emily Libby 5 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Total contribution figure to be included on Pension Summary

On the pension summary report there is a total at the end of each column for Er's & Ee's contributions. However, it would be very useful if there was an overall total of these figures added together on the report
Rachel Radford 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to schedule payslip release to Staffology HR

Whereas you can schedule payslips to be emailed, payslips linked to HR sync as soon as you click Finalise Pay - ideally you would be able to schedule these e.g. to be closer to pay day - this is particularly relevant in bonus month.
Tina Flower about 1 year ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration

Report request

Please could we have a report built that highlights the fixed Additions/Deductions sat in the employees profile (the values that are paid out every pay run with no manual intervention from my side).
Raluca Ioan about 1 month ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Ability to automatically send payslips and report to a client for approval

Have the ability to click a button and automatically send all payslips and reports to a client to review before finalising the pay run and automatically submitting FPS e.t.c. Note that this is for an account with multiple clients (i.e bureau).
Sam Collett 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Gross to Net report

The Gross to Net Report needs to be broken down to display columns for each pay code rather than lumping up all the costs (i.e. salaries, bonuses, holiday pay, sick pay, etc) into one 'Total Gross' column. The deductions should also be separately ...
Michelle Edward 10 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

All reports in number order or Alphabetical order

it would be very useful to have all reports either in Alphabetical order or Number order. as printing required payments is very random a sort button at the top would be very useful
Guest 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Advance pay periods for holidays

We close down for 2 weeks during summer and Christmas and with the old Iris I could run the payroll and then advance it by a further 2 weeks, in effect paying 3 weeks wages in one pay run. This option is not available in Staffology and I now have ...
Guest 8 months ago in Payrun 4 Planned

Create ability to zero out all figures in a specific pay code

For example if the incorrect bonus figures have been entered it would be useful to be able to quickly make all figures within the bonus pay code 0 to then enter the correct figures. Rather than having to go through each payslip individually or res...
Guest 4 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

We need to pay Holiday pay in days not hours

In the old EARNIE payroll system, the average holidays were based on average holiday hours per day x average earnings per day. When we ran the payroll EARNIE therefore calculated an daily rate for each holiday and all we needed to input was how ma...
Guest 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration