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Can there be a "total" Pension report that combines all totals for the whole employer. As an accountant, our accounts team often ask for a total, so I have to merge the CSV for each scheme for each month and it is time consuming.

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Jo Thrupp 1 day ago in Reports 0 New

Email to employees as soon as payslip is pushed to myepaywindow

It would be helpful for employees to receive an email notice that their payslip has been published to myepaywindow, currently this is only sent if they don't access the portal within 24hours of it being pushed, meaning that their payslip has been ...
Rebecca Isles 2 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Custom User / Employee Reminders

It would be really useful if we could have employee / user created reminders - potentially included within the pay run warnings. There are many different scenarios in which this could be used. For example: We have been asked to increase an employe...
Bobbi Gayford 9 days ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Pay Run warning for employees with 0 pay for more than 90 days

It would be useful for us to have a pay run warning for any employee's on the pay run which have had 0 pay for more than 90 days.
Bobbi Gayford 10 days ago in Payrun 2 New

Add/remove users centrally and not on EACH payroll

As a payroll bureau I just want to add a user to look after all our clients or remove a user from all clients. I cannot do this in one central setting location. Instead I have to go through EVERY client and add or remove the user! This simple idea...
Simon Young 13 minutes ago in Settings 0 New

Search list

When setting up a new employee it is difficult to allocate them to a site as there isn't a search bar, as there are in other areas of the system, to type the name of the site. It is very difficult to look for a site as the sites aren't even in alp...
Kellann Douglas 1 day ago in Employee Setup 0 New

Department Name in Payroll Analysis Report

Currently there is a department column which is populated with department code. However there is a need for an additional column for Department Name which will help in easy recognition and mapping as names are usually used in financial reporting.
Ibrahim Raja 15 days ago in Reports 0 Planned

Future dated payslip release

It will be useful to be able to delay the publishing of payslips, and choose for them to be released/published on a specific day of the month. When running multiple payrolls throughout the month it is vital to be able to send the payslips during t...
Guest 7 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Resubmitting monthly EPS

Some clients collect their CIS statements after the 19th of the month. For this reason, the CIS Suffer needs to be amended even after the 19th. We have also had a few occasions where we received a message from HMRC saying they have not received in...
Natalie Roque 3 days ago in CIS 0 New

YTD report for the whole tax year

The Year To Date Balances report is only per period. This would be beneficial if this report was per tax year as-well as periods. We have to combine all fortnightly/weekly reports and total up employee's pay to get there year to date figures for a...
chloe guichard about 1 month ago in Reports 1 New