This was a feature that seems to have disappeared. It was extremely helpful where there are a number of clients which are automated and then others which are manual to sort by both columns made life a lot easier. Can you please put this feature ba...
Emma Farquhar
about 2 months ago
in Dashboard
When an Attachment Order (AEO) is deleted or replaced, the system does not display the amount that was previously deducted in any report. This deducted amount is not captured in the "Payments Made" section or any AEO reports. It would be helpful i...
Shruthika Todupunuri
4 months ago
in Other
Future consideration
I need a note to say that payslips have been pushed to MEPW
when pushing payslips to MEPW there is nothing to show that this has been done in Staffology, the only way to see is to log into MEPW to see if they are on there. We need a button to show the date the payslips werte published/pushed through.
Lyn Yaxley
6 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
The current audit logs do not appear to track the changes on all employee profile data fields, and therefore it is difficult to back track to find the reason for issues etc, as well as who and when it was changed.
11 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
For Benefits in Staffology (BIKS) is there a way for these to automatically pro rate to the start date of the benefit (e.g backdated from a previous month) as currently we must enter the pro-rated amount then before opening the next period change ...
Stacey Hendry
about 1 month ago
in Payrun
Future consideration
There are some working patterns that the system can't currently support such as 3 on 3 off or irregular patterns that aren't based on 7 days and in these circumstances, we would like to disable the auto calculation of the Base Hourly Rate and Base...
Jennefer Willmore
5 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration