It would be useful to get an overall total of benefit deductions per month as well as have the benefits at the top of the payslip under monthly pay, so it is clearer on the total value an employee will be taxed on.
over 2 years ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
Would it be possible when playroll flags an e[mployee is below NMW it can also calculate by how much and give the option to apply a top up of that amount? At the moment this is a manual calculation but would be great if the system could calculate ...
about 1 year ago
in Payrun
Future consideration
Holiday allowance and days taken appear in the bottom left hand corner of printed payslips. However we send our staff their payslips through My ePay Window and at the moment the holiday allowance/taken does not appear anywhere on these. If you cou...
8 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
When sending auto emails for auto payruns - ot would be help to have a visual of the mail log for each company on teh dashboard rather than having to log in to each company and check the mail log. If the email doesn't get sent then we are non the ...
about 1 year ago
in Automation
Future consideration
User preference option when saving employee profiles
When we used to click 'save' on an employees profile. It used to keep on the same screen but now it reverts to the main employee screen. Can there be a user preference to change this setting back?
Charlotte Sewell
over 2 years ago
in Profile
Future consideration