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Hourly pay report by Employee

There is an hourly pay report, under Pay Runs, which shows the hours worked by each employee sorted by pay code We need an hourly pay report per employee sorted by pay code
Pay Roll 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Salary Sacrifice pension override

For salary sacrifice pension scheme, where manual adjustments are made to the EE NI (rounding off diff) this then drops the NI save and so we need to duplicate the work effort to put the NI save back on. This is causing us alot of manual work, ple...
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Multiple Nominal Codes to one pay code

When adding nominal codes there are some pay codes what we require to show on different nominal codes within our accounting software which I have been advised is not currently able to be done.
Guest 8 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Multiple Gross ups per employee

Currently staffology can only process one gross up pay code per employee - we require multiple gross ups for same employees across multiple pay codes in same pay period. To be added to road map asap
Stacey Hendry 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Employee Screen

Would it be possible that when you go into the employee screen not to show their salary and just show the very basic details ie. Employee number, name, pay frequency and department is fine but i would prefer not to have the salary on the front screen
kirstie joyce 4 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Pay Code ordering on payslips

The ability to determine the order of a pay code and in which section of the payslip it should appear. E.G. Earnings at top of payslip, Benefit value for tax - middle of payslip, deductions in bottom 1/3rd of payslip.
Matthew Gillett 12 months ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration

Pay code formula / IPP Advanced linking

Can we add formulae for pay codes? For example, a pay code multiply by a percentage, or a pay code multiplied by another pay code. Similar to what IPP offers as "Advanced linking"
Nicholas Law 4 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Payroll Journal - EE level data for Statutory Recoveries

The payroll journal doesn't output employee level data for statutory recoveries. Whilst I think this is a bug, as the payroll journal should output all costs and credits at employee level in order to book costs to the P&L / Balance Sheet, I'm ...
Guest 4 months ago in Reports 2 Started

Create a Paid tab when manual payments have been made to HMRC

I currently pay PAYE and CIS manually to HMRC each month, it would be useful if there was a tab or field that I can use to mark as paid, instead of the payments looking like they are still outstanding.
Theresa Murphy 4 months ago in Payments & Liability 2 Acknowledged

Payroll Analysis/Journal

It would be very helpful if this report was available as a pdf report rather than just a csv
Rachel Radford 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration