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Include all elements on one variance report

One of my clients went to use the advanced variance report, however it doesn't include things like net pay and pension contributions, or amount of hours for hourly pay. Although some of this is included on the normal variance report, the layout is...
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 1 Will not implement

Minimum Wage warning

When I last ran payroll, one employee who is on minimum wage was being flagged as being paid below the threshold, but in fact her salary is £22510 so is marginally above it. The only way to remove this warning was to switch the warning off. Is it ...
Guest 10 months ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Cost Centre list

It would be useful to have the cost centre list in Account Code or Name order so it is easier to find the cost centre when selecting it on all pages where we wish to add a cost centre. I believe they currently appear in the order they were added?
Trevor Jones 3 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

Irregular payment flag for Payment after leaving

There is no option within staffology to flag an element as "irregular" payment when processing a payment after leaver so that weekly NIC rates are applied to specific payments as per HMRC Rules, payment would be treated as regular payment type whi...
Stacey Hendry 8 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Tax Code Download

It would be very useful if the HMRC - Notices screen displayed the number of tax codes to be applied/ collected from HMRC. This way when the Apply Notices is enabled and report the green banner with the number updated, it is easy to know if all co...
Matthew Gillett 11 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Ability to process annual or quarterly payrolls

This would be very useful to this Bureau's ability to continue offering a service to existing Clients - on the IPP software, we have been able to process annual and quarterly scheduled payrolls and we have a number of Clients who utilise this serv...
Guest over 1 year ago in Payrun 3 Planned

Bureau Dashboard

Please can you look at the sort functionality of the Bureau Dashboard. Currently the Pay Date column sorts the dates numerically rather than chronologically, which causes confusion. We have over 400 employers in our bureau and most are paid four w...
Guest 10 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Ability to change only the name of a system Paycode

We'd like the ability to change only the name of a system pay code, for instance, Accrued Holiday Pay, we'd like it to be Rolled Up Holiday Pay as this is what our employees have come to know.
Ashley Grey 8 months ago in Payments & Liability 0 Future consideration

Year to Dates Balances To Include Net pay

I really need the Net figure on a year to date basis, especially if you don't migrate over at the beginning of the tax year as there is no other way of getting this information,
Theresa Cook 8 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Set Report Names

The default names for downloaded reports are inconsistent and messy. Please could we set our own report names with tokens for particular periods.
Emily Libby 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration