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Payroll reports spanning two tax years

For example my clients accounting year is 01/01/22 to 31/12/22 therefore I would require payroll report totals for; Tax Year 21/22 Period 10 Jan 22 to Tax Year 22/23 Period 9 Dec 22
Guest about 2 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

When there is a change of tax of code, please state what it is changing from as well.

Can be useful if there is a drastic changes, we can advise clients in advance and be pro-active, rather than the client spotting it and then contacting us
Jo Thrupp 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration


Is it possible we can add a report from the Full Summary of Pay which shows a breakdown on an employee by employee basis as this would be very helpful and it is a requirement by my Manager to send to out clients.
Pankaj PArmar 5 months ago in  2 Already exists

Reports - Employee Benefits

The Benefits Reports - Exports details of all employee benefits recorded, does not report all PAYE and P11D benefits. I have created Beneficial Loans, Living Accommodation as P11D items. Vehicles and Private medical As PAYE items. When selecting t...
Matthew Gillett 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Pay codes must be blocked from being deleted if there are any values against them.

The system must block the deletion of any pay codes that have a value against them. Amongst other things, this causes the journal to be out of balance.
Lisa Ramos 4 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

Xero payroll journals to be posted as Approved (not Draft)

It's a pain having to go into Xero to "approve" the draft payroll journals, whilst QBO journals are posted as approved with no further manual adjustments required. Please change it so the journals get posted as approved (or, so there's an option i...
Guest 8 months ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration

Restrict user access where multiple payrolls exist for one employer

Employers often run two payrolls - one for general staff and one for senior management. The ability to restrict user access to individual payrolls is paramount, in order to protect sensitive information such as CEO remuneration. PLEASE enable this...
Michelle Wray almost 3 years ago in Employer Setup 5 Future consideration


FPS is shown in ascending order but EPS is in descending order by month. Please make these the same so as not confusing. Thank you
Guest 8 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

Pension - Payroll Automation

Ability to have the pension integration via connected services but the file not be sent automatically upon Finalisation of the payrun. All other connected services allow this to be actioned in the Payroll Automation screen, with the exception of p...
Guest 4 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Remove 'Preview' Watermark from Payslips

We would like the option to remove the watermark 'Preview, Payslip not finalised' from the payslips that we run prior to finalising the payrun.
Guest 4 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration