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Payroll reports spanning two tax years

For example my clients accounting year is 01/01/22 to 31/12/22 therefore I would require payroll report totals for; Tax Year 21/22 Period 10 Jan 22 to Tax Year 22/23 Period 9 Dec 22
Guest about 2 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration


FPS is shown in ascending order but EPS is in descending order by month. Please make these the same so as not confusing. Thank you
Guest 8 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

need to have a summary report with total wages spilts up

No description provided
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Select what to import using Migration Tool

I'm in the process of migrating from IPP using the tool and would love to be able to select what I want it to import - particularly pay components. Components don't migrate as you would expect (for example Salary comes over as a custom code) and y...
Emily Libby 7 months ago in Bureau 1 Acknowledged

Include PDF reports in Excel format

It would be very helpful to be able to run all reports in Excel format. A copy of the PDF version but on Excel, including the total sums. The CSV version does not include total and subtotals showing on the PDF.
Nuria Ortega 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Extra decimal point in overtime calculation

Currently, the multiplication field for basic pay is restricted to 2 decimal places. Our Nightshift rate is Basic Pay x 1.334. This was possible in EARNIE. Yet, the calculation of the resultant mutiplier goes to 4 decimal places. It doesn’t make s...
Guest 12 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

Restrict user access where multiple payrolls exist for one employer

Employers often run two payrolls - one for general staff and one for senior management. The ability to restrict user access to individual payrolls is paramount, in order to protect sensitive information such as CEO remuneration. PLEASE enable this...
Michelle Wray almost 3 years ago in Employer Setup 5 Future consideration

Length of service

In EARNIE, beside the employees' start date there was also the length of service (in years). This was useful in that you knew at a glance and didn't have to work it out everytime for every individual employee. Would also be useful if this could be...
Claire O'Connor over 1 year ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration


Clients find it easier to read a PDF than a CSV report
SONIA MOGFORD-ABBOTT 3 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Pension Override

If there's no pensionable pay in current month, but employee would like to make a one-off contribution on top of his usual contribution rate, usually, the employee contribution will not appear in the payroll screen. So, we are forced to override t...
Stacey Hendry 3 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration