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Leave Calculations for New Starter

When using a day based holiday leave setting at company level, it would be useful if the software would adjust the entitlement remaining from the annual default to the pro-rata value relevant to the new starter based on their join date. Current pr...
Jennefer Willmore 4 months ago in Other 0 Future consideration

BACS file required for Handelsbanken

No description provided
Guest about 1 month ago in  0 Future consideration

NI tables to populate within employee export

The following fields are displayed in the header row on the employee export but are always empty despite data being held in the system that is relevant. Would be very useful if these populated: Ni Earnings to LEL NI LEL to PT NI PT to UEL
Jennefer Willmore 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add apprenticeship start date when the apprentice box is ticked in employee record

For NMW purposes. It would also be handy that this date (when a year is reached) a warning is alerted to us when we start processing the payroll.
Jo Thrupp 4 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Postponement Date

To be able to enter a postponement date for employees. When migrating from other software you can't enter postponement dates and therefore to work around you have to change the company settings which isn't ideal as you then have to change it back....
Rebecca Shapland 3 months ago in Pensions 0 New

Merge bureau dashboard and employers list

The bureau dashboard is not searchable and you cannot group companies together, like on the employer list. Ideally these two lists should be merged - or detail added to both
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Ability to automatically send payslips and report to a client for approval

Have the ability to click a button and automatically send all payslips and reports to a client to review before finalising the pay run and automatically submitting FPS e.t.c. Note that this is for an account with multiple clients (i.e bureau).
Sam Collett 7 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Advance pay periods for holidays

We close down for 2 weeks during summer and Christmas and with the old Iris I could run the payroll and then advance it by a further 2 weeks, in effect paying 3 weeks wages in one pay run. This option is not available in Staffology and I now have ...
Guest 8 months ago in Payrun 4 Planned

Payslips uploaded to Mepaywindow are awful

Why is the format so different to the standard payslips. We have clients who want to be able to access, print and post out for some employees, but the address is not in the right place.
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Payslips 3 Acknowledged

Payslip Adjustment

would be beneficial for the Adjustments YTD figure to show on the payslip even if there is no adjustment for that period I understand that Net adjustments show under “adjustment” section of payslip and reported as Take home pay, however as no “adj...
Stacey Hendry about 2 months ago in Payslips 0 New