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Report Packs & Report Designer

The functionality to be able to export a whole report pack rather than having to export each individual report. Creation of more in-depth reports using existing pay items within the payroll and employee records.
George Haynes over 3 years ago in Reports 6 Started

Sending pension files when Payslips Finalised

We are finding it a big problem that when we Finalise Payslips so that we can initially send the documents to the client for approval, that the pension file automatically sends to NEST and SMART. This has caused us some problems particularly where...
Denise Menashy 6 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Bonus Runs/Supplementary runs needed

few of our clients like to pay bonuses separately to main salary run. Also sometimes we need to run supplementary run for terminations payments as they are not finslised by the main run cut-off. Also needed an ability to override pension in supple...
Yoshita Desai over 1 year ago in Payrun 6 Started

Update pay code Description in an open payrun

If we have to amend the pay code description in the open payrun, Only option is to go by individual record and update manually. So, If we have a feasibitity to change the description of a pay code for all employees within an open payrun. It would ...
Shruthika Todupunuri 9 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Define date pension payment is to be taken

Staffology can treat the NEST pension payment schedule as automatically approved for payment, which saves logging on to NEST but you can't define the payment date so NEST start to immediately process the direct debit. I want the NEST direct debit ...
Simon Young 4 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Modulr Payments File

Please could you add a Modulr payments file export within Staffology. Currently there is no way to download a payments file as a backup when the direct Modulr connection has an issue (e.g., connection failures, reruns, etc.). This creates a signif...
Emily Libby 4 months ago in Payments 0 Future consideration

Replace the previously imported file with a new one

When importing large amounts of data, errors often occur in the middle of the upload process. This makes it challenging to determine which lines were successfully imported and which were not. Introducing an editable file format feature can be bene...
Srilakshmi Patlolla 11 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Cumulative total of CIS recoverable during the year

My client has CIS deducted from the Company payments each month. I send an EPS for this and at the end of the year recover it from HMRC as he has no PAYE to pay over during the year. It would be very useful if a cumulative total of CIS could be pr...
Karen Bowles 2 months ago in CIS 0 Future consideration

Gender on a new employee to be automatic after adding Ms/Mrs/Miss/Mr

It saves time, if when you add a new employee where the title is Ms or Miss or Mrs to automatically select the gender as female and the same with Mr for male.
Guest 8 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

SChedule for automated emails

At times such as annual leave or Christmas, when we are incredibly busy, and some businesses, have a short month due to office closure, it would be helpful if we could run our payrolls early, but schedule the emails to go at a later date. Particul...
Andrea Squires 4 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration