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Report Packs & Report Designer

The functionality to be able to export a whole report pack rather than having to export each individual report. Creation of more in-depth reports using existing pay items within the payroll and employee records.
George Haynes over 3 years ago in Reports 6 Started

Pension Earnings Period should be based on the pay schedule, not the pay date

If a payroll is processed in arrears, for example pay date 1st December for pay period previous calendar month, then the earnigns period for pension should be 1st to 30th Nov, not 1st -31st December. Please can this be amended?
Emily Libby 3 months ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Report Pack Download in Bulk or Single PDF

Once a report pack has been created it would be helpful to be able to download all reports within the pack either as a single document or as individual documents with a single click for the pay period in question rather than having to click and up...
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Search list

When setting up a new employee it is difficult to allocate them to a site as there isn't a search bar, as there are in other areas of the system, to type the name of the site. It is very difficult to look for a site as the sites aren't even in alp...
Kellann Douglas 25 days ago in Employee Setup 0 New

FPS Report Adj

Hello, FPS report can currently be resubmitted for all employees even though you only make an adjustment to one. Can this be implemented please?
Guest about 2 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 New

Upload multiple processing notes

At the moment clients can only upload one processing note at a time. It would be helpful if they could upload multiple in one go. Number of clients have asked about this.
Kelle Allen 10 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Bonus Runs/Supplementary runs needed

few of our clients like to pay bonuses separately to main salary run. Also sometimes we need to run supplementary run for terminations payments as they are not finslised by the main run cut-off. Also needed an ability to override pension in supple...
Yoshita Desai over 1 year ago in Payrun 6 Started

Different Pay Schedule Options

We have clients who pay on a various different pay dates and there aren't enough options on the pay schedules in Staffology. For example some of our clients pay on the penultimate working day each month and another on 3days before the end of the m...
Rebecca Shapland 5 months ago in Employer Setup 1 Future consideration

Cross Tax years payroll reports

As we are an accountancy practice - we will ABSOLUTELY NEED the Multi Period Reports for our clients accounts
Guest 7 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Mock Payslips

We would benefit from having the ability to generate mock payslips for both pay illustrations and to improve the accuracy of manual calculations.
Guest 2 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration