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Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Reports
Created by Katie Dilloway
Created on Aug 7, 2023

Report Pack Download in Bulk or Single PDF

Once a report pack has been created it would be helpful to be able to download all reports within the pack either as a single document or as individual documents with a single click for the pay period in question rather than having to click and update each individual report. At present it seems the report pack is more of a favourites list rather than an actual reporting pack that can be run for each pay period in question.

  • Attach files
  • Emily Libby
    Jul 9, 2024

    Please, please do this! It is very frustrating to have to download each one individually. It is also frustrating that when you run a report you can't then get straight back to Report Pack but have to go to reports and then report pack, and remember where you were in the list.


Payslips as a report for Report Packs

The ability to automate a report pack which includes Payslips (Not currently available as a report in their own right) would be really helpful for a lot of bureaus. In most cases bureaus in accounting firms just need a Gross to Net, a payslip, and...
Andrea Squires 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to run a report pack as a single step before finalising payrun

Where you need to submit more than one report to an approver for sign-off prior to finalisation it would save time if a report pack could be run in a single action instead of downloading all the individual reports.
Guest 9 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Draft reports email/download report pack with one click

We have many clients who receive draft reports for authorisation prior to payroll being finalised. These clients do not want to have a log in to Staffology and run their own reports. Please can we either have the ability to send a draft version of...
Emily Libby 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Report pack

We find it's an inconvenience not being able to issue group reporting unless you finalise the pay run - could we please add the option for this?
Raluca Ioan 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Capacity to print all reports at once within report pack and in PDF format

It would be useful to be able to print all reports at once in pdf format within a report pack i.e. monthly or weekly payroll reports - on Paye-Master you just clicked on report robot and all reports printed
Guest about 2 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration