Pension Earnings Period should be based on the pay schedule, not the pay date
If a payroll is processed in arrears, for example pay date 1st December for pay period previous calendar month, then the earnigns period for pension should be 1st to 30th Nov, not 1st -31st December. Please can this be amended?
Emily Libby
2 months ago
in Pensions
Will not implement
We are often asked for re-prints of multiple payslips, for instance when someone is applying for a loan/mortgage - at the moment we can only print them one at a time, rather than for a date range. It would be very useful to be able to print a rang...
Pay Roll
6 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
Is it possible to have a "next button" when opening an employee profile to go to the next one employee easily instead of closing and going back to the employee list?
over 1 year ago
in Settings
Future consideration
There are instances where it's not advisable to send copies of P45 documents to employees. Having the option to prevent the sending of P45 documents to selected employees would be greatly beneficial in such situations. One of the scenarios is Tupe...
Srilakshmi Patlolla
10 months ago
in Payrun
Pending Review
Allow clients to submit for processing when employees have negative net pay
Sometimes payroll submissions are missed as clients cannot submit the payroll for processing when an employee has negative net pay. If we could allow clients to submit for processing but not allow us to submit for approval with negative net pays t...
6 months ago
in MIscellaneous
Already exists
Being new to Staffology, it seems that there is a lot of back and forth between tabs when processing a new employer / payroll which accumulates additional time. It will be helpful for any newbie to view the tabs in the order of process, i.e: Dashb...
Pooja Patel
6 months ago
in Dashboard
Future consideration