When changing the pay date in the payrun once the payrun is finalised, the RTI date for the individuals is not updated. Currently you have to manually override the FPS date in the RTI tab.
This needs to be updated automatically based on the pay date used in the payrun.
Hey -Thanks for your idea. Unfortunately as per guidance from CIPP your contractual date should be reported on the FPS even if you're paid earlier or later within tax month for that period. We have customers that currently use this functionality when paying early and would not expect the contractual payment date to change on the FPS in line with the payroll date. Changing the contractual payment date can also an have affect on employees receiving benefits so due to this we would prefer for the user to make a conscious decision to change it. If you wish to change your contractual date - I have included some guidance which should help - https://help.staffology.co.uk/payroll/administration/settings/pay-schedules.htm