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update payments due report

Update the payments due report so that once all of the employment allowance has been used, that it displays the correct PAYE to HMRC when it is in draft form. At the moment if the payroll has not been finalised and the employment allowance has all...
Guest about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New

Ability to turn off working pattern calculations

There are some working patterns that the system can't currently support such as 3 on 3 off or irregular patterns that aren't based on 7 days and in these circumstances, we would like to disable the auto calculation of the Base Hourly Rate and Base...
Jennefer Willmore 4 months ago in Employee Setup 2 Future consideration

Automation failure warnings

Please could we have a warning if any part of an automated payroll has failed? For example payslips haven't gone, email has bounced, rti has failed. This would need to be a warning which remains and can be accessed like the pension failed warning,...
Emily Libby 4 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Draft reports email/download report pack with one click

We have many clients who receive draft reports for authorisation prior to payroll being finalised. These clients do not want to have a log in to Staffology and run their own reports. Please can we either have the ability to send a draft version of...
Emily Libby 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Resend Payments to connected services

I would like to resubmit payments to the connected services
Izzy Hayhurst 4 months ago in Payments & Liability 0 Future consideration

Audit Trail - All Fields

The current audit logs do not appear to track the changes on all employee profile data fields, and therefore it is difficult to back track to find the reason for issues etc, as well as who and when it was changed.
Guest 10 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

pension provider shown on the payslip

I have clients that use more than one pension provider and would like to see the providers name on the payslip
Sarah Sharpe 8 months ago in Payslips 4 Already exists

Printing Training Notes

It would be useful to be able to print your training notes, specifically End of Year checklist and notes. In the current format, it does not print well at all. This was always available with PayeMaster and is ideal when you have a singular screen ...
Guest 9 days ago in MIscellaneous 0 New

Have a pension report that shows all pensions providers

We have a some clients that has multiple pension providers, it would be nicer to have 1 report will all the providers on and have it split per provider rather then running a report for each provider
Emily Manley 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add notes to employees that show in or when opening pay run

Be able to add employee specific notes that are visible when opening or in a pay run
Sarah Crace 7 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration