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I have noticed that Bonus Amount which was set up under Employee / Pay Options /Additions & Deductions keep changing in the current pay run if you make changes to value in a previous pay run and did not change an amount under Employee section.
Guest 12 months ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Pension Payments - Auto Enrolment

Currently Staffology pays an employees first months contributions across to the pension provider even though the funds are not invested until the following month. This is to allow employees the opportunity to opt out and easily have their refund p...
Guest 12 months ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

employment Allowance

Please can we show the employment allowance on the journals as the journal that goes to xero is incorrect as it doesn't take the employers NI out until the EA is used
Guest almost 2 years ago in MIscellaneous 2 Planned

Apply custom pay code to multiple employees, such as overtime

No description provided
Guest about 2 years ago in Employee Setup 2 Future consideration

Allow automatic payruns for employees who are paid on a net pay basis.

Currently there isn't a way to set up an automatic payroll run for employees who have the same take home pay each week / month regardless of tax (e.g. £1,000 per month take home pay). It would be great to implement this as not all employees salary...
Guest about 2 years ago in Payrun 3 Already exists

Employee History Summary Report

Hi, It is called "Employee History Summary Report", a report which shows Gross, Tax, net, EeNI, Er Ni, EePension, Er Pension with Employee breakdown, but the specific dates can be chosen. Accountancy period is different for each company and this k...
Guest about 3 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

API operation to Restart Pay Run by EmployeeId

Equivalent to the UI operation: select an employee in the open Pay Run and with selected entry... "Restart Pay Run".
Guest about 1 year ago in API Direct 1 Future consideration

report constituent parts of gross pay by employee

I'd like to be able to report on how the gross pay PER EMPLOYEE is made up; so that eg I can see how much commission has been paid to each employee, over x periods
Peter Heller about 2 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Pro Rata Calculations

When a salary is pro rata'd payroll is calculating based on a percentage of days worked. Our client is calculating as annual salary divided by 12 divided by number of working days in the month multiplied by the actual number of days worked. Whilst...
Guest about 3 years ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Dynamic "tokens/content" in autopilot payrun emails

Hi, We need to include some figures like "Balance Due Amount", "Due date" (by which this balance needs to be paid to HMRC) from the P32 report as part of the email content when sending email from Payrun Auto Email (please see attached example emai...
Richard Williams about 3 years ago in Automation 2 Future consideration