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Previous Employment YTD Figures on Payslip

I had a client question why the payslip YTD figures were higher than the employees earnings, this was due to HMRC sending through tax code with YTD earnings from previous employment. However on the payslip it just lumps it into one YTD gross &...
Guest 6 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Post Payroll Journals to Xero with Department split

It would be great if possible to map the department field to a tracking category in Xero. Currently our team has to break the journal up manually in Xero so we can get department wise reporting, because Staffology only posts total balances to the ...
James Holmes over 3 years ago in Accounting 1 Future consideration

Tailored Naming Convention for Payslip Filename

Being able to use other fields/tokens in the naming convention would prove useful for collaboration with other systems and internal processes. Specifically first name and surname.
Jennefer Willmore about 1 year ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Pension Connection

Connection to Aviva Ltd Pensions
Guest over 3 years ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Connect with other HR providers such as BrightHR and Timetastic for Holidays/Leave

It would be helpful if the leave calendar could be synced with BrightHR/Timetastic to record staff leave so that the holiday accrual report can be produced without having to manually enter all employees leave twice.
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in HR 1 Future consideration

CIS annual detailed annual statement

Staffology provide the annual or monthly CIS statement but this does not give the detail required for a subcontractor to check the payments to their own records. We pay our subcontractors weekly and would like an annual statement for each subcontr...
katrina Kilcoyne about 2 years ago in CIS 1 Future consideration

PDF download of weekly range showing all employee deductions etc

We need to be able to download a PDF document for all employees (or pick employees to include in the report) which has details of all pay details for all those weeks - gross pay, tax deducted, ni deducted and so on. At least the total for the time...
Guest 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

CIS 300 Return and EPS

If you wish to send both a CIS 300 Return each month and an EPS to tell HMRC how much has been suffered, currently you have to add the URT in and then take it out. Can thisbe fixed?
Guest about 2 years ago in CIS 3 Acknowledged

NI Balances

NI YTD Balances report is blank and does not generate any data if generated before first parallel ran, this means we cannot check all NI figures are correct prior to starting parallel payroll run as the report produces no figures, how can we gener...
Stacey Hendry 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Salary Sacrifice Pension

For pension salary sacrifice, the payslip only reflects employer pension amount which is only ER pension contribution and does not add the EE contribution as a salary sacrifice should, so the YTD pension does not show for the employee. Salary sacr...
Stacey Hendry 7 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration