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HSBC BACS Standard 18 Template - Upload to HSBC

Each month we need to manually adjust the HSBC BACS Standard 18 file that Staffology creates to ensure the correct processing date is set for each employee. HSBC has said the template is wrong and needs correcting. Is this something Staffology are...
Karen Murray almost 2 years ago in Payrun 2 Acknowledged

API Endpoint for Accounting Report Including Employee Breakdown and Nominal Codes

The below endpoint is very useful for reporting spending per employee, however it would be much better for accounting purposes if this included the associated nominal{employerId}/reports/Year2022/Monthly/analysis
Penny Jungreis about 2 years ago in API Direct 0 Future consideration

Leave Calendar - Sickness

When adding leave to the leave calendar, is there any way this could be colour coded? For example, sickness could the waiting days be highlighted in one colour and the paid sickness another colour? Or if not colour coded could the waiting days cle...
Guest over 3 years ago in Payments & Liability 0 Future consideration

Download reports in a PDF format, specifically journal and payroll analysis

Raising on behalf of a customer - Rugby Bodyshoppe Ltd They would like to have the option to download reports that aren't available as a PDF, she specifically mentioned pay run journal and the payroll analysis
Guest 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

SMTP Relay replaced with O365/Exchange Online

At present the SMTP relay option requires additional Microsoft costs due to using old-tech. We propose O365/Exchange Online integration is implemented and replaces SMTP relay.
Ben Brownson over 1 year ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Email payslip name customisation

On email payslips, we would like to be able to customise the name of the file so this includes both the employee full name and the company name. It appears currently the customisation of these emails is limited.
Guest 11 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Edit P30 report to remove lines with zero value

We would like to be able to edit the P30 report to remove lines that have zero value so the form is as useful as it can be for our clients.
Guest 11 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Manual entry box on HMRC payment schedule to include CIS deductions from payments to sub contractors where CIS is not filed with Staffology

This would be similar to the old box on Iris Payroll Business on the P32 and enables the software to correctly show the full payment to HMRC rather than have to record it externally.
Guest 11 months ago in CIS 0 Acknowledged

Royal London Pension File

s it possible for the attached Pension report to be made available within the payroll? We have a client using Royal London and this is their requirement for the pension data, which is different to the current PAPDIS file
Guest over 3 years ago in Pension Providers 4 Will not implement

Email Reminders

Would it be possible to send email reminders to clients to upload/send information over, through the portal? Currently you can only send emails once payroll is run...
Guest over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration