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Create a Payment Element Detail Summary Report as per 12pay

The Payment Detail report in 12pay gives you the monthly summary of all categories such as Basic Pay/NI/PAYE/Pension/Expenses etc of all employees which is a massive help for the wages journal if you are splitting the journal by department
Mark Griffiths 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add direct debit option on the method to pay HMRC

Many of my clients set direct debit payment on PAYE and NI payment to HMRC. However, this is not an option on staffology. So the "payment required" report can only show Credit as the payment method, which is easy to make the client confused. It is...
Guest 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Nil pension contribution from employee

We require to be able to have zero in the contributions by employee and just a fixed amount in the employer contributions (for Directors) however, if you have any at nil then they won't appear on the Scottish Widows CSV format (Workplace) this is ...
Diane Shaw 8 months ago in Pensions 1 Acknowledged

NI Category location

It's best to add NI category next to NINO section instead of in another section to save time.
Guest 8 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Need a more detailed Pay Element report

Hi, it would be extremely useful if we had a more detailed Pay Element report which would provide the same information as IPP's Pay Component Balances report (PACMPT1.rpt). This IPP report provides information on all pay components (pay codes / pa...
Nicholas Law 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Outstanding Annual Leave on Payslips

It would be good to show staff how many annual leave days they have left to use on their payslips.
Guest 12 months ago in Payslips 2 Already exists

AVC-only pension not appearing on month end checklist

We have several employees in a second pension scheme (Prudential) which is AVC only. This requires a payment to be made at the end of the month in the same way as the other pension schemes we operate, but it doesn't appear on the month end checkli...
Ben Fletcher 8 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Ability to exclude the pension from Net Pay to Gross calculations on components

The Net Pay to Gross option when ticked is including pensions in the calculation, there is no option to override this. IPP software allows you to select to include pensions or not select this option, this needs to be the same on Staffology as the ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Gross to Net Reporting

Report should detail all Pay Codes used in the period pay run, in separate columns (at present Other deductions) lumps values together on the report.
Matthew Gillett 12 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Auto Emails - Payroll Automation

Please can the auto emails be reviewed when payroll reports are sent directly to clients. If a payroll needs to be re-run and finalized the original reports are sent again to the client. This can cause major issues if the original reports are used...
George Haynes over 3 years ago in Automation 0 Future consideration