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Client search via PAYE or Accounts Office Reference

It would be useful to have the functionality to search clients using their PAYE or Accounts Office Reference number.
Susan Elsdon 7 months ago in Bureau 1 Future consideration

Payments Required Report

This report if ran prior to finalising payroll shows HMRC Payments which is just a total of all EEs deductions, so not actually true "HMRC Payment" amount. When this Report is ran after finalising payroll it doesn't show HMRC payments at all - Can...
Stacey Hendry 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Average Holiday Setting

It would be great to have the ability to automatically reduce basic pay when paying Average holiday pay.
Raluca Ioan 10 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Salary change to take effect the same month

Please could you allow a default setting for the employer to have all salary changes while the pay run is open be effective immediately? We use the API to batch update employee salaries at all times throughout the month and we always always want t...
Penny Jungreis almost 2 years ago in Employer Setup 1 Already exists

Employers dashboard

Can we remove a tab that is not in use on the dashboard
Guest 7 months ago in Dashboard 0 Future consideration

Custom Mileage Rates

It would be helpful to be able to include custom rates for Mileage where employers do not pay the standard rate, they may be paying a fuel only rate or additional can be paid for example when carrying passengers. Also some employers have contracts...
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

Previous Payroll Code Disappears

When implementing an existing payroll mid tax year the 'Previous Payroll Code' must currently be uploaded twice, as after the parallel parun the value disappears and would not be reported on the first live FPS file. To ensure employee YTD figures ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Tags report

The tags seem a bit pointless at the moment as they don't do much. Perhaps create a gross costing report which you can sort by tag. This would be really useful for us and our clients.
Charlotte Sewell over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

Umbrella Settings - Ability to set the basic rate of pay to something other than NWM

It would be really helpful if we can set the basic rate of pay within the umbrella settings to something other than national minimum wage. We would like to use the London Living Wage but this is not currently an option.
Guest 7 months ago in Umbrella 1 Future consideration

Preview email templates with dummy information

Also, change the text editor to a WISYWIG editor or have the ability to preview the email with dummy information from the token.
Sam Collett 7 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration