P32 Report to show Liability Due and Liability paid
when we come to generate the P32 Report, it shows the totals for the months where liability has been paid previously as zero and therefore the YTD Liability is incorrect and does not reconcile so clients cannot see the total liability for the YTD ...
Stacey Hendry
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
HI, we use 3rd aprty software (P11D Organiser) at present but are encouraging clients to move to the Staffology platform. We have an issue with the reports which appear to be available, as they lack detail. The P11D system produces consolidate XL ...
P11Ds - Remove Gender, D.O.B, and Address from P11D
As P11Ds are to just show employees and employers the benefit figure they receive during a tax year, I believe the Gender, Date of Birth and Address details are unnecessary. Given the platform produces what seems to be its own "simplified" version...
11 months ago
in Other
Future consideration
It would be helpful if the payroll analysis report is able to split one employees pay details according to the department cost split. For example we have an employee that works for two different clients and we want to show this split via the depar...
We produce P11D's from a 3rd party software and our previous system allowed the PDF documents to be imported in bulk to an employee epay window. We would like to be able to complete this in Staffology, but at present this is not possible. The MEPW...
Matthew Gillett
2 months ago
in Documentation
It would be handy to see total number of hours on payslips as currently it is not implamant it and hours for Bank holiday/Overtime/Holiday are listed seperately.
Filter / Archive by year in employee "Leave" function
Is it possible to add a filter or archive function to the employee leave tab so we can filter by year? Currently this shows in one big list historically but really we only want to look at the current year we are in – however, we don’t want to have...
2 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
I just wanted to check if there was any update on links to other Pension Providers, so we can access through the portal? i.e NOW pension, Creative AE, Scottish Widows, Standard Life, AVIVA, Royal London.
over 1 year ago
in Pensions
Future consideration