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Offline (temporary?) payroll for what if calcalations

There are many instances when we would like to use the software to do future what if calcuations, for example when we need to indicate to directors what effect bonuses will gave on PAYE due. This would also be useful for exploring settings without...
Emily Libby 18 days ago in Bureau 1 New

Can there be a "total" Pension report that combines all totals for the whole employer. As an accountant, our accounts team often ask for a total, so I have to merge the CSV for each scheme for each month and it is time consuming.

No description provided
Jo Thrupp 22 days ago in Reports 0 New

Manual Tax Code change warning

It would be good if a warning message showed when a manual tax code was applied to confirm if this will change current month, or the next payroll run depending on the status of the payroll so we are aware when the change will be in effect from. Fo...
Stacey Hendry 9 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Report to show who is Flagged as Director for NIC Calculation

Is it possible to generate a report to show who has Director NIC Flag switched on
Stacey Hendry 17 days ago in Reports 0 New

Schedule connected services payslips

All our clients use the MEPW portal and we would like to make use of as much automation as possible. When we press finalise it would be great to know that the payslips have been scheduled for release to MEPW for pay date so that we don't have to s...
Jennefer Willmore 7 months ago in Connected Services 1 Started

Future dated payslip release

It will be useful to be able to delay the publishing of payslips, and choose for them to be released/published on a specific day of the month. When running multiple payrolls throughout the month it is vital to be able to send the payslips during t...
Guest 28 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Total YTD for Employers Allowance

It would be very useful if you had a report which showed the total YTD Employers Allowance for each period.
Patrick Vance 18 days ago in Reports 0 New

Holiday Entitlement in Hours

As per government guidelines, holiday entitlement for part time staff who work different hours on different days should be calculated in hours. This feature is not available on Staffology- which is not complying with this need. We used to use Earn...
Guest about 2 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Gross To Net Report group by Department with subtotals

Gross To Net Report should offer the option to group by department and present subtotals for each Department
Nuria Ortega 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Opening balances export

Is it possible to generate a report showing opening balances by employee in a CSV/Excel format? Something similar to the P11 detailed report but this is only available as a PDF.
Guest 8 days ago in Reports 0 New