Ability to add a one-off AVC within the monthly payroll
Our understanding is that an AVC must be added within the employee pension section as a permanent change. It would be useful to eb able to add a one off AVC within a specific payroll month rather than having to add it as a permanent change and the...
Jennefer Willmore
6 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
The Pensions Summary report is useless for sending pension contributions to the pension company when manually sending pension contributions taken via salary sacrifice. The report adds together the employees and employers contributions and shows th...
almost 2 years ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
When we process a gross pay calculation and there is a tax refund due, the tax refund is being given to the employee and not being factored in to the gross up costs incurred by the employer. Please can this be looked into. Thanks
Sarah Stannard
2 months ago
in Payrun
Already exists
If an employee has a leave date from a prior pay period this event is not recorded on the PAPDIS pension file and therefore not reported automatically to the pension provider. Please include all exit dates on the pension report if the employee was...
Year to Date Reports for Payun Auto Email template
It would be great if we could select more reports to be added to the Payroll Auto Email template, to include reports with Year to Date figures. Please could you expand the options of which reports can be attached?
S Mackin
3 months ago
in Automation
Future consideration
Incorporate Bradford points for sickness into payroll system
For those of us who don't use Staffology HR systems, we need a way to track Bradford points for staff members who have been off sick. The current calendar system is useful to a point but limited when it comes to a comprehensive report.
Cathryn Moore
3 months ago
in Payrun
Future consideration
Pension report needs to be printable at department level
Pension report needs to be printable at department level, I will need to spend hours sorting employees to create this manually. It was available on iris payroll business.
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
It would be very helpful to have totals of starters & leavers being reported on an FPS. This would help with checking when migrating a payroll to Staffology as you can quickly double check ee's arent being reported as new starters and therefor...
Emily Libby
7 months ago
in RTI & Notices
Future consideration