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Autorun emails - cc (second email address)

I'd love to be able to cc another email address when using autorun emails.
Emily Libby 8 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Batch Payroll Data Input

IPP has a batch input function which is very useful for manually inputting hours worked without having to go in and out of each record. Could you please add something like this onto Staffology? Currently a simple task of adding hours to each ee is...
Emily Libby 9 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

payroll monthly summary report needs to be printable at department level

Payroll monthly summary report needs to be printable at department level as well as total employees, I will need to spend hours sorting employees to create this manually. It was available on iris payroll, can this be done as they were not helpful ...
Guest 6 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

FPS date not updated when payroll date changed

When changing the pay date in the payrun once the payrun is finalised, the RTI date for the individuals is not updated. Currently you have to manually override the FPS date in the RTI tab. This needs to be updated automatically based on the pay da...
Luke Hayes about 1 month ago in RTI & Notices 1 Will not implement

Printing payslips before they are finalised

I would find it really helpful if there was a way to download and print payslips before they are finalised, I still have some employees that have their payslips in paper and on the IRIS earnie i used to use, there was an option to print these befo...
Guest about 1 year ago in Payslips 3 Future consideration

The report highlights errors in the mismatch between titles and gender.

We currently face difficulty navigating employees with mismatches between their name titles and genders. Having a report or warning system would assist in resolving these discrepancies effectively.
Shruthika Todupunuri 10 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Holiday Entitlement recorded in hours

No description provided
Guest 10 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Cost of employment report broken down by department

It would be really useful to be able to print a pdf report of the department breakdown costings showing tax, NI, student loans etc.
Wendy Mortlock 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

BACS file required for Handelsbanken

No description provided
Guest about 1 month ago in  0 Future consideration

Unpaid sick etc from Employee Leave record to show on payslip for the month.

Although the calculation to "not pay" sick leave on employee leave record does reduce the pay correctly for a month, it would be nice to show this on the payslips, as I have both employees and employers asking me if i have calculated it as they bo...
Jo Thrupp 8 months ago in Payslips 3 Future consideration