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Modulr Payments File

Please could you add a Modulr payments file export within Staffology. Currently there is no way to download a payments file as a backup when the direct Modulr connection has an issue (e.g., connection failures, reruns, etc.). This creates a signif...
Emily Libby 4 months ago in Payments 0 Future consideration

New leave type Sabbatical

Is there a way to add an option for an absence type in the leave screen, or something we should use out of this list for someone on a sabbatical?
Stacey Hendry about 1 month ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

Report for Employees not worked more than 3 months

A report to record employees not worked for 3 months (12 weeks) was helpful on our last payroll software. It helps purge the payroll for tax year end etc.
Kerstyn Benson 2 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Option to Download the Employee Export by Pay Run

It would be really helpful if we had the option to download the Employee Export by pay run. We have clients who have multiple pay runs which only want to see the employee's in the corresponding pay run on the Employee Export. We are currently havi...
Bobbi Gayford 9 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

SChedule for automated emails

At times such as annual leave or Christmas, when we are incredibly busy, and some businesses, have a short month due to office closure, it would be helpful if we could run our payrolls early, but schedule the emails to go at a later date. Particul...
Andrea Squires 4 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Job Title on payslips

Please can there be an option where clients can request their employees job titles to show on the payslip
Sarah Sharpe about 1 year ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration

Total contribution figure to be included on Pension Summary

On the pension summary report there is a total at the end of each column for Er's & Ee's contributions. However, it would be very useful if there was an overall total of these figures added together on the report
Rachel Radford 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to schedule payslip release to Staffology HR

Whereas you can schedule payslips to be emailed, payslips linked to HR sync as soon as you click Finalise Pay - ideally you would be able to schedule these e.g. to be closer to pay day - this is particularly relevant in bonus month.
Tina Flower about 1 year ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration

Amend RTI Date / Addition of Contractual Pay Date Field

When creating the pay schedules for clients who pay on the same date (i.e. 25th of the month, 28th of the month etc) there is an option called "same date - working day" which will amend the pay date to a previous working day if the payment date fa...
Jennefer Willmore 5 months ago in RTI & Notices 8 Already exists

Gross to Net report

The Gross to Net Report needs to be broken down to display columns for each pay code rather than lumping up all the costs (i.e. salaries, bonuses, holiday pay, sick pay, etc) into one 'Total Gross' column. The deductions should also be separately ...
Michelle Edward 11 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration