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BIK Pro-Rata

For Benefits in Staffology (BIKS) is there a way for these to automatically pro rate to the start date of the benefit (e.g backdated from a previous month) as currently we must enter the pro-rated amount then before opening the next period change ...
Stacey Hendry 21 days ago in Payrun 0 New

re-open a previous pay period whilst the current one is still open

I would like to see the option to re-open a previous pay period whilst the current one is still open
Annette Mackay about 1 month ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Task Tracker you can tick off

We need a task tracker that pops up in the main dashboard and in the employees' panel. Each line added should be able to be ticked off to show completion. Each line should be dated and assigned to the month it needs to be actioned in. These tasks ...
Olivia Menin about 1 month ago in Dashboard 0 Future consideration

Request for Scheduled Dispatch of Payrun Reports

Currently, payrun reports are sent directly to the client when "auto emails" are enabled. However, they are dispatched immediately after the payrun is finalized. We are seeking an option to schedule these emails for a specific date instead.
Shruthika Todupunuri 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Storing multiple rates against an employee record without using them every period

Many clients have more than one rate relevant to an employee. If these rates are added into the employee profile as an addition they appear on every payslip as a zero value unless they are manually deleted which is a big job on a large payroll. Th...
Jennefer Willmore 4 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Streamlining the EA letters process

When sending the bulk AE letters we have to click on "Email all Letters" but this doen't update the list. To update the list and disappear the sent letters we have to take a second step to click "Mark all letters sent".Can this process be streamli...
Ibrahim Raja 5 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Report leavers to NEST

New starters and contributions are imported to NEST from Staffology but leavers do not get imported when other software providers can handle this.
Guest 4 months ago in Pensions 0 Pending Review

Rounding error in hourly paid rates

There is a rounding error when calculating hourly pay. For example: 83.41 hours @ £12.50 per hour = £1042.625 which should be rounded UP to £1042.63 but instead is being truncated/rounded down to £1042.62 As someone who spent 20 years in software ...
Guest about 2 months ago in Payrun 0 New

Sort by Current Pay Period

This was a feature that seems to have disappeared. It was extremely helpful where there are a number of clients which are automated and then others which are manual to sort by both columns made life a lot easier. Can you please put this feature ba...
Emma Farquhar about 1 month ago in Dashboard 0 New

Payslips should show employer pension contributions and employer NI and YTD for both

No description provided
mark Lewis 10 months ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration