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Report Options - Calender year

Staffology generates consolidated reports primarily based on the tax year. However, to cater to client preferences, if it also provides the option to generate consolidated reports aligned with the calendar year, covering the period from January 1s...
Shruthika Todupunuri 4 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Opening balances export

Is it possible to generate a report showing opening balances by employee in a CSV/Excel format? Something similar to the P11 detailed report but this is only available as a PDF.
Guest 9 days ago in Reports 0 New

Leave Calendar to process more absence types

More than just sick to be controlled by the leave calendar. Example to add Jury service, or paid leave etc... Payroll should pay/deduct as per the lave calendar
Guest 9 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Jury Service

For staffology to manually calculate Jury Service Payments for each individual.
Guest 9 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Option to print payslips that haven't been emailed or pushed to myepaywindow

We have a payroll paying company pensioners, due to the age of these clients not all have email addresses so we need to print payslips. Currently we have to print these individually which is very time consuming, previously with Earnie IQ we were a...
Rebecca Isles 9 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Can your NMW warnings and the hourly rate field show rates before and after salary sacrifice. This would help greatly when determining if the NMW is still accurate.

No description provided
Jo Thrupp 17 days ago in Other 0 New

NMW check box on all pay codes

The NMW check box is useful but it doesn't allow you to amend the description sadly. It would be useful to have a NMW check box attached to a pay component so that when we are importing multiple hours and rates with different descriptions, the sys...
Jennefer Willmore about 1 month ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

P11 (detailed) report - For "All Employees" including leavers

When running a P11 (detailed) report, and selecting "All Employees", currently this does not include any leavers from the current tax year. Please can this be updated, as it seems the only other way to retrieve these is to run them off individuall...
Matthew Fidgett about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New

Display a notice when HMRC notices are available

It will be very helpful if we could see a notification in the pay run screen when HMRC notices are available and haven't yet been applied
Guest 5 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Printing / emailing payslips

It would be useful if we could print all payslips for an individual in one print - we are regularly asked for copy payslips for a period of time, and at the moment we have to download each individual pay slip one at a time.
Pay Roll 6 months ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration