This was a feature that seems to have disappeared. It was extremely helpful where there are a number of clients which are automated and then others which are manual to sort by both columns made life a lot easier. Can you please put this feature ba...
We need a task tracker that pops up in the main dashboard and in the employees' panel. Each line added should be able to be ticked off to show completion. Each line should be dated and assigned to the month it needs to be actioned in. These tasks ...
Olivia Menin
24 days ago
in Dashboard
Future consideration
It would be useful if the pay code unit description could be customisable, instead of just being per hour or per day. For example, per shift, per mile etc
Nicholas Law
4 months ago
in MIscellaneous
Future consideration
It would be useful if we could print all payslips for an individual in one print - we are regularly asked for copy payslips for a period of time, and at the moment we have to download each individual pay slip one at a time.
Pay Roll
5 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
When automated, the EPS doesn't show on the automated settings within the finalisation window. It would be helpful when checking at finalisation if this was updated, it would appear this relatively new feature was added in a hurry!
There is a rounding error when calculating hourly pay. For example: 83.41 hours @ £12.50 per hour = £1042.625 which should be rounded UP to £1042.63 but instead is being truncated/rounded down to £1042.62 As someone who spent 20 years in software ...