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P11D Functionality/ Reporting

HI, we use 3rd aprty software (P11D Organiser) at present but are encouraging clients to move to the Staffology platform. We have an issue with the reports which appear to be available, as they lack detail. The P11D system produces consolidate XL ...
Matthew Gillett about 2 months ago in Reports 0 New

Auto email template - incorrect wording needs correcting

Hi there, when we use the system template for "Payroll Auto Email", the wording says: " I've just completed the Monthly payrun for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Please see the attached the relevant files for Month 8 that haven't been emailed directly to em...
Guest 3 months ago in Automation 0 Pending Review

Moving with ease through the employees

Good afternoon Just wanted to share a little bug bear with you. Moving with ease through the employees. I’ve thought about this for a while now however since you have changed the banking settings (?) we have had to go through all individuals one b...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Employee Setup 4 Future consideration

Working Days Consideration on Scheduled Payslips

If a pay day falls on the weekend, then by law an employer is required to pay on the Friday before however the automated payslip functionality does not consider this important piece of law and will continue to work on a 7 day pattern. For example,...
Jennefer Willmore 7 months ago in Payslips 1 Acknowledged

3rd Party Imports to MEPW

We produce P11D's from a 3rd party software and our previous system allowed the PDF documents to be imported in bulk to an employee epay window. We would like to be able to complete this in Staffology, but at present this is not possible. The MEPW...
Matthew Gillett 2 months ago in Documentation 0 Acknowledged

Total Number of Hours not visable on payslips

It would be handy to see total number of hours on payslips as currently it is not implamant it and hours for Bank holiday/Overtime/Holiday are listed seperately.
Guest 2 months ago in Payslips 0 New

Filter / Archive by year in employee "Leave" function

Is it possible to add a filter or archive function to the employee leave tab so we can filter by year? Currently this shows in one big list historically but really we only want to look at the current year we are in – however, we don’t want to have...
Guest 2 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Employer record

Please can you enable the UTR and CoTax lines in the company record to be both filled in with the same number. (as it is the same number). When I file an EPS I have to delete the UTR box and when I file the CIS300 I have to delete the CoTax box. I...
Guest 4 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

CIS Vouchers for sub contractors

There appears to be a tick box for sending CIS vouchers via email but ni actual facility do do this when you are in the voucher. Apparently they all have to be downloaded and emailed separately. this is crazy and very time consuming. please add a ...
Guest 4 months ago in CIS 0 Future consideration

Auto-calculate holiday pay on payslips for salaried employees

When adding holiday dates on the calendar for salaried employees, it would be good if this automatically calculated the holiday pay and remaining salary on the pay run. Or if you are able to just input how many days holiday they have had in that m...
Guest 8 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration