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RTI submissions need to show tax week/month

Where you can see sent FPS submissions it would be hugely helpful to see what tax week/month they were sent for at a glance rather than just the date
Lyn Yaxley 6 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

Cost Centre added to Pay Run Journal report

With the Cost Centre being added to Pay Run Journal report this will be useful as we will be able to split down the employee's further. We have multiple sites under one payroll therefore multiple people need to approve the payroll. With the cost c...
Guest 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Client list in drop down

When you want to change client and you select the drop down could that last 5 clients you used be in that list rather than having to click on all clients and scroll down. Useful when you were working on a payroll but had to look at something in an...
Ruth Griffiths 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Auto email reports - zipped folder

Could there be an option for the auto generated emailed reports to be one zipped password protected folder rather than individual password protected documents? Our clients are a little annoyed at having to put the password in multiple times!
Emily Libby 8 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Ability to import Loans

Loans can only be set up manually with balance amounts - We would like to be able to import this data / figures to avoid manual work
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Number of employees in a working pattern

It would be really helpful if the system could show how many employees are under a certain working pattern. I went to change a set up of 22.5 hours to 22hours, but then realised it may effect other employees if I change the main set up, so I then ...
Jo Thrupp 6 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Average Holiday Pay for new starters

When a new starter needs to be paid but doesn't have the required historical data, it would be useful for the software to pay it at the hourly rate. Currently it pays at zero. As new starters are able to take holiday from day 1, this would seem li...
Guest 3 months ago in Payrun 2 Future consideration

Format payslips so they print 2 per A4 page

Format payslips so they print 2 per A4 page, as currently the formatting only works for email across payslips and not for hard copies.
Guest about 1 year ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration


For the P32 report is possible we can select a specific month inside of showing all the months within the tax year.
Pankaj PArmar 5 months ago in  0 Future consideration

For search to begin on the first letter typed, not the fourth.

It would be useful, as a bureau with many clients, for the search in employers to start on letter 1, for no suggestion to be made until letter 4 I may as well type the whole name - or scroll a thousand times. Most other applications start the sear...
Andrea Squires 5 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration